Change the way you THINK

Hey Creative Souls!

You would have heard this phrase of “thinking outside the box” in reference to creativity. In this week’s post, I will be taking a different approach to creativity inspired by Deepak Chopra’s quote: “Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box.”

Let's explore why getting rid of the box altogether might be a more powerful approach than trying to think outside of it. When we eliminate mental constraints and preconceptions entirely, we open ourselves to unlimited possibilities and pure creative potential. This shift in perspective allows us to tap into a deeper well of innovation, where creativity flows naturally without the artificial boundaries we often impose on our thinking.

What is the box?

When I think of this box, I picture the different norms that were told to us when growing up. The customs that we need to follow, the pre-conceived notions, the societal expectations and above all, being told what’s the right thing to do. If we continue to live our lives accepting this box as the source of truth for everything, then we are not doing anything to fuel our creativity. The box also represents our comfort zone - a place where we feel safe but where creativity often stagnates. By getting rid of the box, we're not just thinking differently within confined parameters, but completely liberating ourselves from these artificial constraints. This freedom allows us to access our innate creative potential and discover solutions that might have been invisible when we were bound by conventional thinking.

If you think about how these norms were created, there has to be someone who would have thought about it and proposed it. This would have been presented to a number of people who would have been in favour of this custom and decided to continue it and keep doing it the same way. This cycle of accepting and following norms without questioning them, limits our creative potential. By understanding that these norms were created by people, just like us, we can feel empowered to challenge them, reimagine them, or create entirely new ways of thinking and doing. This is the essence of getting rid of the box, recognizing that we have the power to create new paradigms rather than simply working within existing ones.

How to Break Free from the Box

Shift Perspectives:

Train yourself to see problems from unconventional angles. Rather than looking at them as a potential threat, seek the opportunities that are hidden within these problems. Opportunities to find creative solutions and bring about a change and an impact. Look at every problem as a way to be creative and bring about value in your life and of others.

For example, let’s say you are faced with a challenge of not having all the ingredients in your refrigerator to cook dinner tonight. This might seem not that big of a problem but it’s still is a challenge. We have all been there and our usual reaction is to start feeling frustrated or annoyed for not having the things at the time you need them. Now instead of feeling mad and saying: “I don’t have everything to cook dinner tonight”, rephrase this statement with a question and ask: “How might I cook dinner tonight with the ingredients I have in my refrigerator?” Just reframing your problem as a question puts your creative brain to work and starts thinking of ideas to help you solve your problem.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the challenge is, just shifting your perspective to look at it as an opportunity, is going to be immensely helpful to boost your creative thinking.

Challenge Assumptions:

Question the status quo. Often, we accept certain rules or ideas without realizing they’re not set in stone. For example, many businesses operate under the assumption that they need a physical office space to be productive. However, the rise of remote work has proven this assumption wrong. By challenging such deeply ingrained beliefs, we open ourselves to innovative solutions that might have seemed impossible before.

There is nothing wrong in putting your ideas forward. Not everyone might agree with them and that’s where there is a polarity that exists between conformity and creativity. I will share my insights on this interesting polarity in another edition of the newsletter. What’s important to note here is that if you have a unique approach of doing something, which might be different from others, don’t shy away from not experimenting with it just because you have been told to follow the convention. Don’t be afraid to challenge the conventional methods and feel confident in your creative ideas.

Embrace Curiosity:

Follow your curiosity wherever it leads, even if it feels unrelated to your goals. Curiosity often uncovers unexpected solutions.For instance, when learning a new skill, don't just stick to conventional learning methods. If you're interested in photography, explore its connection to mathematics, psychology, or even cooking. These seemingly unrelated paths might lead to unique artistic perspectives that set your work apart. Let your mind wander and make connections that others might miss.

Always think like a child and have a beginner’s mindset. Ask questions as much as you can. The more questions you ask, the more you learn and more learning fuels creativity enabling you to think differently and come up with novel associations.

Practical Exercises for Out-of-the-box Thinking

Creative Warmups:

Start with simple exercises to get your creative juices flowing. Prior to doing brainstorming on any problem or challenge you are working on, consider doing a creative warmup. Whether you are working alone or in a team, pick an unusual, unrealistic question. For example, “how might you eat soup with a fork?" or "how might you teach a fish to climb a tree?" These seemingly silly questions help break down mental barriers and get you comfortable with generating unconventional ideas. Spend 5-10 minutes exploring these absurd scenarios before tackling your actual challenge. The goal is to think divergently and start coming up as many ideas as you can without any judgements. This exercise really helps stimulate our brains to think creatively and come up with unique solutions.


This is where the fun begins where you get to apply the same creative principles, as the warmup, to the actual problem you are working towards. You begin thinking divergently on your challenge and try to come up with as many solutions or ideas as you can. Again, the goal here should not be to come up with the best idea, rather any and every idea that you can think of should be considered as a potential. Once you have enough ideas, now you get to be an evaluator and think convergently and try to analyze every idea. This thinking mode is where you choose the ones that can really help you solve your challenge. The entire creative problem solving process cycles around these modes of divergent and convergent thinking.

Reverse Thinking:

Another interesting exercise is to flip the problem. Instead of asking, "How can I succeed?" ask, "How could I fail?" and work backward to avoid those pitfalls. Reverse thinking encourages a shift in focus by looking at the problem from its potential pitfalls. By identifying what could go wrong, you not only mitigate risks but often uncover overlooked opportunities. For example, if you’re launching a new product, consider scenarios where it might fail. Is it pricing? Usability? Competition? By addressing these concerns proactively, you’re more likely to innovate and succeed.

Get Rid of the Box Altogether

Chopra’s quote challenges us to go beyond merely stretching boundaries. What if we removed the box entirely? This shift means redefining our mindset to see challenges as opportunities and letting go of the fear of failure. Without a box, the possibilities are limitless.

Thinking creatively requires both a mindset shift and deliberate practice. Whether it’s through curiosity, collaboration, or unconventional techniques, breaking free from the box can lead to extraordinary results. Remember, the only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves.

As you step into this month, I challenge you to identify the "box" in your life and start dismantling it piece by piece. Let’s create a world where our creativity knows no bounds.Until next time, stay curious, learn and create.