Hello fellow creatives,
Have you ever found yourself following a trend? Ofcourse you have. We all have. We all follow trends in various aspects of our lives. Trends in fashion, trends in choosing the career most in demand, trends to acquire the latest tech gadgets or cars, and ofcourse, the latest social media trends. It is a natural human behaviour to conform. We have been conforming to the norms of the societies we have been living in through our entire history. Conforming feels safe because we tend to jump on the bandwagon and do exactly what others are doing, the tried and tested method. However, there is another side of the coin where we use more of our mental resources and make more decisions other than choosing to follow. This other side is when we choose not to conform but to create.
There is a very interesting polarity that exists between conformity and creativity. Conformity keeps us safe and maintains the comfort in our lives, whereas creativity tends to push us forward. When we choose creativity, we make tough choices and decisions, we push our limits to the things that never seemed possible, we dive into the land of chaos and discomfort for something meaningful and we grow ourselves into a complete new person because we learn numerous amounts of skills in this creative process.
So which one are you choosing, conformity or creativity? Let’s dive into this polarity to find the right balance of when to conform and when to create.
As humans we have been designed to be the beings that crave safety. This safety is mostly sought out in the acceptance and validation of others. In many of our life choices, we tend to go after the route that is guaranteed to give us the maximum return and benefit. This is mainly because our human brains are constantly sending us signals when things go wrong or get out of order. These signals are the reason we face certain emotions of discomfort and anxiety because we lack that security that our brain is constantly pushing us to acquire.
It might sound to you that I am against conformity, and something exciting is coming later in this post. There is definitely something interesting that you should be excited about, but conformity is not always bad, and I am not against it. I conform to the norms myself. Conformity is essential in maintaining order and keeping everything organized and in check. In a society, when we all follow the norms, we maintain and secure the equilibrium that exists for the expectations on how to act, treat others with respect, live within the ethics of moral living, and be generous and humble to everyone around you.
So if we don’t always conform, then what do we do?
When we are not conforming, we are often seeking something extraordinary. Something that has never been done before. It’s not that we are bored of keeping ourselves safe, but we are after something meaningful that no one has ever attempted before. This is where we choose the creative path over conformity. We choose the path of generating new ideas and keeping ourselves open to new experiences rather than sticking to the conventional and safe ways of experiencing life. This is exactly what the creativity-conformity polarity is all about. It is the inherent tension between the desire to seek something novel and useful and following the established rules set by society.
But this tension doesn’t mean creativity and conformity are enemies. They often work together. Conformity teaches us the rules and the foundations, while creativity invites us to bend, break, or reinvent those rules. Without conformity, there’s no structure to push against, and without creativity, there’s no progress. The magic happens when we learn when to follow the crowd and when to step away from it. It’s about recognizing the moments when playing it safe serves a purpose and the moments when daring to be different sparks innovation.
But stepping onto the creative path isn’t always easy. It often means venturing into the unknown, facing uncertainty, and risking failure. Unlike conformity, which offers the comfort of predictability, creativity demands curiosity and resilience. It asks us to challenge ideas, question norms, and explore possibilities without the guarantee of success. This is why many people hesitate, not because they lack imagination, but because the creative path feels unstable while conformity feels secure. Yet, it’s in this very instability that the seeds of creativity are sown. The willingness to embrace the unpredictable is what allows truly original ideas to emerge.
The question now is, when do we conform and when to create?
Conformity is best whenever we are learning something new or building our foundational skills in any specific domain. You must have heard the saying: “learn from the masters”. This is when we should conform by following what the people before us have done in that discipline. Trying and mimicking what the greats have done before us can make us capable and pros at our craft. It is not just personal, but conformity plays a major role when we are involved in some sort of a collaboration to sustain harmony within a team.
There comes a time when all these tried and tested methods become stale and repetitive, and our soul starts craving something more, something that can keep us excited, curious, and energized. This is the time to flex those creative muscles and choose a path with our unique perspective. It will be risky and challenging but so much worth it. When you choose to be creative, you decide to push the limits and build a legacy for the world to witness with the impact and value you generate for others.
So, how do we strike this balance? It starts with awareness. The next time you find yourself making a decision, whether it’s choosing a career path, creating something new, or even expressing an opinion, pause and ask yourself: Am I doing this because it feels right to me, or because it’s what everyone else is doing? This simple reflection can reveal whether you're leaning into conformity out of comfort or stepping into creativity out of courage. The goal isn't to reject conformity altogether but to embrace creativity when the moment calls for it, to move beyond what's expected and build something uniquely yours.
At its core, this dance between creativity and conformity isn’t about choosing one over the other, it’s about knowing when to lean into each. Conformity can ground us, giving us the tools and traditions to build upon. But creativity is what propels us forward, urging us to break free when the familiar no longer serves us. The real magic lies in the balance, in recognizing when to follow the map and when to draw a new one.
I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and go after something meaningful that you have been waiting for. This is your chance to explore your creative potentials. Begin with conformity and start following others who you look up to. Once you study them and learn from your mentors and masters, then is the time to be your own master and craft your own unique path.
Always stay creative.